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Customer service is the support you offer your customers before and after they use your products or services. Providing fantastic customer service helps your customers have an easy and enjoyable experience, and their brief moments with you are exhilarating and comfortable. Amazing customer service also allows you to retain your customers and grow your business, and it is an excellent process to advertise your business through word of mouth. I bet you are wondering where As3mp3 is going with this. At D-Cafe Coffee Shop, I enjoyed one of the most incredible customer service experiences ever in Accra, Ghana.

Following my first bite of their wickedly delicious pastries – specifically their almond croissants, I knew I was in trouble because I got hooked. I blame my sister, who buys their pastries each week, for my current addiction to their pastries and sandwiches! You all know my love for food, so As3mp3, I visited D-Cafe myself to try more things. As I walked in, the smell of freshly baked goodies tantalized my olfactory organ. The staff was very welcoming. The decor was tastefully done and not overwhelming. Seriously, I loved the ambiance. I marched straight to the food and ordered two smoked salmon sandwiches with all the trimmings (fresh lettuce, tomatoes, pickled jalapenos, dressing, bla, bla bla) minus the creme cheese because I’m lactose intolerant. I got home, got my fresh coconut water, sat down to devour my sandwich, and oops, it had creme cheese! I called D-Cafe and spoke to the manager about the mistake. To my utter surprise and amazement, the manager, who was extremely polite, and showed utmost concern first, apologized, then informed me that he would make another one for me and send it via dispatch, WITHOUT CHARGE!!!! What? INCREDIBLE! In Ghana? I had to pinch myself! Did I hear right? Okay, I know what you are thinking; As3mp3, cut it short and get to the point! Lol!

Folk, the manager, kept his word. A very polite dispatch driver delivered a fresh batch of salmon sandwiches with my specifications – no cream cheese and no charge even for delivery! What? In Ghana? This treatment is what I call AMAZING customer service. D-Cafe epitomized what customer service is all about. Folk, suffice to say, I am hooked on D-Cafe! If you’re ever around Airport Residential area, stop by D-Cafe, and you will thank me, Akua Dede As3mp3, for your AWESOME experience! Do not wait until you are around Airport Residential area; just come over!

Aaaaaaaah, I have just been given an invite out to dinner! I am out of here! Okay, I know you’re curious about where, so I will tell you! Lol! I am off to the Soul Restaurant and Bar at East Legon. I am drooling already. I will be back with Part Deux of my Amazing Customer Service Experiences!
As3mp3 out!


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