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Heheheheheheee, heck yeah, I am back with a bang, and boy do I have a lot to say! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!
So, I’m currently back in Accra, Ghana. Yeah yeah yeah, you know what THEY’ll say, “Once you take a bite into the Accra ‘MAGIC’, you cannot go back! (I will give you a breakdown of what precisely the Accra MAGIC is…) I am already rolling my eyes.

Someone asked, “As3mp3, last year, during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, you put yourself through a self-imposed exile in Accra and remained for 10 months, right?” I knew where the question was leading, so I answered the unasked question. “Yes, I am back for more!”

The heat, dust, smelly open gutters, noise pollution, reckless driving, etc. Oh, dear Lord, there is obviously no end in sight to the craziness that casts a shadow on the Accra MAGIC. One thing that has remained constant, unenforceable laws in Ghana. “Oh, we have rules, but they are just not being enforced”. Damn it! Now As3mp3, why are you talking about unenforceable rules and laws? In my infinite wisdom (I hope you can hear the sarcasm dripping from my throat), I decided to attend a funeral event with my cousin in Koforidua. On our way from Accra, I counted over 15 SUVs whisking past our car and other cars. The passengers in these vehicles, from what I could see, were private citizens just like us. It seems these private citizens had equipped their cars with sirens and loud horns to give other drivers the impression that they were government officials. I asked if this atrocity was legal and was informed that there were laws against this deadly conduct, yet private individuals abused it because they were not being enforced. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat????? Bullying other drivers on the road, bribing police officers on motorbikes to escort your vehicle, though you are not an official, or riding in the car in your official capacity is the norm? Wow! Welcome back to Ghana As3mp3! It seems like the laws do not apply to some folk! Blaring their horns loudly and bullying other drivers and users of the roads in their haste to reach their destinations! Hmmm, I will be talking about this blatant abuse of ‘power’ in an upcoming blog.

Oooooeeeiiii and then a movement called “Fix the Country” led by a few disgruntled citizens with gripes against the current government!!!! Fix the Country? Okay, y’all know I cannot jump onto a juicy topic like this on an empty stomach. My lunch is ready! Oya! Let me go and enjoy my boiled green plantain, with kontomire (spinach) in the Asanka, with roasted koobi strategically embedded in it. Of course, I have added a drizzle of olive oil (My preference is olive, nothing against red oil, I just do not like it…) served with delicious avocado. And as always, a tall glass of fresh coconut water. Some things never change. I am drooling away as I type! Let’s discuss this FIX-THE-COUNTRY bru haha in my next blog! Wait a minute! Fix the country? Why not Fix your mindset? Fix your mouth! I told y’all I had a lot to say! Hahahaha Adios for now!

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