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OH NO, HE DID NOT! No, no, no, no, no! Surely the NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama did not validate the distasteful, divisive, inflammatory, derogatory, defamatory, and insulting language used by Isaac Adongo, MP for Bolgatanga describing Akyem men as “Akyem Sakawa Mafia boys”. JDM, you endorsed this hateful speech by allowing a post of the vitriolic comments on your official social media page. You should be ashamed of yourself! I have been closely following and reading your comments and your associates regarding the current sitting President, Nana Akufo-Addo. I must say, you have been if anything, predictable! Your apparent lack of expertise, knowledge, and skill in governing a nation is disheartening and, most importantly, dangerous at best. Because you continue in this self-destructive vein, I will give you a grade “A” for determination. Following all the blunders that have followed you since your imprudent decision to become the NDC flagbearer, it is unbelievable that your party did not fight harder for a more viable candidate!

JDM, your complicity in this latest atrocity is why you are not worthy of being President. You lack the leadership qualities, skills, and qualifications required to govern a nation. This latest act of desperation in your flailing attempts to return to the crime scene, that is, to finish what you started, allegedly pillaging, robbing, and destroying the Ghanaian economy is disgraceful! A true leader of a nation who has its citizens’ best interests at heart must be responsible. A true leader must use sound judgment and encourage inclusiveness, not exclusiveness. A true leader must promote unity and not division. A smart leader will NEVER use or accept language and terminology designed to ridicule and cast aspersions on an entire ethnic group’s characters. Instead, a wise leader will use wisdom and discernment to admonish foolish and uncouth behavior; does not participate in nefarious conduct!

JDM, you have been harping about the current President using his position to engage in what you call “FRIENDS AND FAMILY” practices. You have also accused the President of awarding his family and friends undeserving government positions and giving them opportunities to acquire money and wealth by illegal or dubious means. Seriously, your Friends and Family diatribe is the definition of irony! I hope you know that many Akyem men and women amassed their wealth and fortune years before even you became president? For your information, under this current government, in their efforts to avoid any appearance of impropriety, an Akyem person is denied finance, business opportunities, contracts, etc., despite their eligibility or capability to handle said businesses? It is time for you to put a sock in it with the Friends and Family rhetoric because if it were true, I, Akua Dede As3mp3, will be sojourning in a mansion at Airport Hills, with a chauffeured driven Jaguar! Wait for a second, the properties, land, businesses YOU and your family miraculously allegedly acquired during your presidency. Can we discuss those? By the way, lovely huge house in Dubai?

JDM, your under-performance, incompetence, and what I call daylight robbery during your presidency is unrivaled. Daylight robbery is you allegedly giving over 70% of Ghana’s bauxite deposits to your brother. I have a laundry list:

  • The Airbus scandal
  • years of Dumsor, which led to the loss of lives and livelihood of many citizens
  • the handing over the Ghanaian economy to the IMF and other Bretton Wood institutions

The citizens of Ghana do not suffer from amnesia, because they recall the following: Your sponsoring of over 41 commercials against Free SHS and now your government is claiming the birth of Free SHS; you indicated at some point that you would cancel the Free SHS policy, but now, you want it to stay, wishy-washy much?. Your government implemented a system that left public sector workers who worked for over three years, with only three months of wages. You put a complete freeze on public sector recruitment rendering hundreds and thousands of the nation’s graduates in a quagmire of unemployment and hopelessness. A good NHIA system that could have been improved upon was squashed by your government’s one-time payment scheme on a health insurance system. How is it possible to pay insurance for just one time, and have your health needs taken care of? You denied teachers’ necessary teaching materials, such as chalk. When they complained, your government called them over-pampered crybabies. You scraped teacher and nursing trainee allowance, which had been in existence since Ghana’s independence. How could you? You are devoid of empathy and compassion for the citizens of Ghana. You have a truckload of broken promises, “MR. KING PROMISE”. May I ask when you are going to provide the citizens of Ghana with your manifesto? You did promise to deliver one in August, but hey, we are in September. What is going on? During your presidency, your government passed a law to ban Okada. Yet, now, you have promised to legalize the Okada business in a bid to get votes. Promises! Promises! Promises!

JDM! JDM! JDM! I am a product of the loins of a hardworking, intelligent, and wise Akyem gentleman! My grandfather, brothers, uncles, friends were not, and are not Sakawa Mafia boys!

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