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“I have worked at this hospital for almost 20 years and no one has ever made a gesture like this before! We are so grateful!” Personnel at Kyebi Hospital.

The words above were like music to my As3mp3 ears! Wow! Hmm, yesterday, Wednesday, September 16, 2020, I, Akua Dede As3mp3, Okyeame Boafo’s granddaughter, with the help of my Akyem brother and friend, philanthropist, businessman, and owner of the Soul Restaurant & Bar, in Kyebi, Aky3m Royalty, Kwesi Kuntu Asante, donated delicious hot jollof,  and fried rice with chicken, along with bottles of water to the Kyebi Hospital. I am still floating from the wonderful experience!

Folk let me share this, one of the most rewarding and best feelings is knowing that somebody is happy because of you! Seriously, it does not take much to put a smile on someone’s face. In my experience, you do not need to always make grand gestures, spending thousands of dollars to help the needy, or serving your community. Hey, do not get me wrong, those large donations are extremely helpful, but note this, every little bit also helps. Hmmm, As3m3p3 where are you going with all this ntoa toa (plenty talk)? See now, donating food is an easy way to fuel healthcare workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic. We know that frontline heroes/healthcare workers like doctors and nurses, in the fight against the coronavirus often sacrifice their own physical and mental well-being to take care of others. Unfortunately, it appears the world has stopped following updates on COVID-19, and folk have become desensitized to the imminent threat facing frontline workers. It saddens me that the concern and appreciation for our frontline workers has diminished tremendously. Folk, every little bit helps!

Hang on a minute, did I mention that I got the delicious food we donated from the Soul Restaurant & Bar at Kyebi? Well, watch out for my feature on this restaurant that tags at your very soul the moment you walk in…

2 Replies to “GIVING BACK”

  1. I commend you for coming up with such a wonderful and heartfelt gestureej. They really appreciated it and you certainly got me thinking along those lines. Sometimes, one has to think beyond the bottom line of a business and reach out. I’m proud of you. Thanks for letting me be a part. Their reaction was priceless and heartwarming.

    1. Awwww Kut, I could not have done this without your beautiful philanthropic heart. Your generosity, warmth and love for ALL mankind is one to be admired and emulated. You truly are an Awesome human being and I wish there were more like you out there. Thank you so much for being you.

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