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Capitalism, Socialism, Liberalism, Thatcherism, Trumpism and oh come on, Tribalism?

Tribalism? Seriously? Here we go again, another ISM being used to wreak havoc on democracy, and in of all places, Ghana!  Just when you do not think politics in Ghana cannot dive any lower, you are punched in the gut by the pugnacious sentiments and conducts of a faction of citizens determined to ruin and disrupt the democratic process! PUSHING THE TRIBAL AGENDA, ALL IN THE INTEREST OF POLITICS SMACKS OF DESPERATION! Folk, promulgating tribalistic discourse, invoking divisiveness, lawlessness and social unrests is dangerous to any democracy, especially in developing African countries. Gosh, the ‘tribal’ situation has taken such an ugly turn in a short space of time, that I felt compelled to change my original topic for Episode 6, which was going to be a continuation of my series on the ineluctability of change during the pandemic. Akua Dede As3mp3 must address this dastardly attempt to derail the unity and democratic stability in Ghana!

It is disheartening, shocking, revealing, and sickening to find that people you have known and respected for years, are not just subscribing to the tribalistic piffle and nonsense, but they are bigots! How did we miss their bigotry? Wow! Why are some of our brothers and sisters from the Volta Region, inciting violence and urging Voltarians to rise and go to war? Huh? Voltarians should rise and go to war? Go to war in Ghana, against your own brothers and sisters? The answer to all these questions is simple! The dirty politics being shepherded by the disgruntled and desperate NDC, party in opposition. Do not get me wrong, it is understandable, and I actually empathize with NDC because they lost the race even before the start gun went off! I appreciate and admire the will of any losing party to fight to the bitter end. I mean, folk, seriously put yourself in the frustrating shoes of the NDC. You cannot attack your opponent on policies because you failed miserably during your six-year reign, leaving behind a shattered economy! Ah! But wait a second, NDC you can go after the NPP government on their slackness in handling corruption, or? Ooops! You cannot touch the corruption issue and there is no need for me to belabor the reasons.  Okay, so let us stoop low and accuse an Akan President, married to a Ga lady, with a Vice President from the Northern Region of bigotry? For crying out loud, I know politics in Ghana is contentious at best and some politicians are notorious for sinking into the low depths but spurring on TRIBALISM…

WAKE UP GHANA! Central, Volta, Northern, Eastern, Western, Ashanti Regions… WE ARE ALL ONE GHANA! WE ARE ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS UNDER ONE NATION! Any talk about separatism and tribalism designed to destroy our oneness, our unity MUST NOT be entertained! Today, August 4, 2020, as we celebrate Founders Day, let us all take a moment to reflect on the blood and toil of our founding fathers. This is not the one nation… our founding fathers envisaged for us! GOD BLESS GHANA!!!


  1. It is so disgusting that I have kept out of the debate cos I may use words and say things I might regret in future

    As for my Volta friends, it is about time they asked themselves how come they become relevant to the NDC only in the year of elections.

    Sad and DEMONIC

    1. Kwaku, remember when a certain murdering dictator in Germany said the masses were dumb? The masses, and actually disenfranchised people are easily swayed by using their weaknesses and fears to gain their support. I have not been to the Volta, but from my Volta friends, NDC in 6 years couldn’t even fix their roads! I will call this deplorable strategy by the NDC Trumpism 101! Divide and conquer. Nothing binds people together more than them sharing a common enemy. All NDC needed to do was convince folk that anyone who is not a Voltarian is against them. NPP needs to seize the narrative and flip this around!

  2. Isn’t it intriguing that learned and educated persons are buying into this tribalism card when they shld see these politicians for what they really are? They use and dump them after the elections. Hmmm Cry my beloved country.

    1. Hmmm Nii, intriguing, fascinating, bewildering… one would expect the learned and educated ones to display maturity, comprehension of real issues and not twisted facts, but hey…

  3. It’s high time we see pass the ordinariness it a thing to the beauty that it holds.One thing is sure:we are all Ghanaians, period!

  4. It is high time we see pass the ordinariness of a thing to the beauty that it holds. One thing is sure:we are all Ghanaians.

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