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We must transform the culture around caregiving! We must normalize showing caregivers appreciation, acknowledgment, and love. Why? BECAUSE caring for older people is challenging, especially when you are a family member or an adult, taking care of your elderly parent or guardian!

Folks, let me give you a brief recap: A caregiver can become a personal stylist, ensuring that the elderly person they are taking care of is groomed by getting their hair and sometimes nails done, driving their elderly parent or guardian to hospital appointments, managing medications, and more. A caregiver is at the brunt of the elderly parent’s changing emotions, actions, and reactions to day-to-day events. 

Taking care of older people can be time and cost-intensive and socially isolating. Unfortunately, the caregivers rarely get any recognition. Let us endeavor to change this culture. Lookey here: some of the pleasures and beauty of having the privilege of caring for an elderly parent or guardian is the conversations you have with them. They can regale you with exciting stories from centuries ago and provide you with interesting and well-needed information and education formal education will never give you. But guess what? As a caregiver, the demand of caregiving can lead to emotional and physical stress.  Even trained caregivers experience frustration and sometimes anger; how much more is an untrained adult child or relative taking care of an elderly parent? It is common for you to feel worn out or sad and to feel alone. 

Consider this: caregiver stress can put caregivers at risk of changes and challenges in their own health. They’re constantly exhausted, even after sleeping or taking a break. Caregivers often neglect their own needs, whether it’s because they’re too busy or just don’t prioritize themselves anymore. So, I ask again, who is taking care of the caregivers? Are they being shown appreciation? Are they being given the acknowledgment, respect, and love that they also need? This is not just about financial support, but about the emotional support that can make a world of difference. A simple phone call, a text message, a reminder that they’re doing a fantastic job and that they’re appreciated. Are the caregivers receiving enough attention, and CARE? Let’s strive to do better!


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